Yellow-leaved cultivar of the yellow dogwood. Grows into a multipe-stemme small tree with a dense, almost round . Click here to find out more. Habitat in sepibus Austriae. Cornus mas pumilio.

Bunches of small bright. SpecificationsDescription. Mittleres Fruchtgewicht 5g. Zuckergehalt. Die Mittelernte . Elegantnyj Ukrainian Cultivar. Sugar content.
Average yield from an . Standort: durchlässiger Gartenboden, anspruc. Blütenfarbe: gelb. I fell in love with this large shrub for its ability to be pruned into the perfect little multi-stem with plenty of stems and a very neat, domed crown. The fruit is an . It is native of . Indigenous in many parts of Central and Southern Europe where the plant grows from a shrub into a multiple-stemmed small tree with a dense, . RHS Perfect for pollinators. Hardy shrub or small, densely branched tree with an abundance of tiny yellow . Sun or partial shade.

Einzelpreis: €. In den Warenkorb. Detailierte Pflanzenbeschreibung: Da die. Zuzüglich vieler weiterer . Der Strauch pflegt Ihre Gesundheit und sieht auch . Asiatic dogwoo cornel dogwood) is a . Vigorous deciduous shrub, coming from Europe and Eastern Asia.
Flowering in yellow bouquets occurs from late February to early March, before the leaves . Round buds plump and peppering the branches. Growing Wisdom garden videos will help you with all your gardening needs. Come back every week for our. However, it was. Der aufrechte, dicht verzweigte Wuchs . Native to southern Europe (including most of France).
Introduced to the British Isles back in the 16th century . Sorry Out of Stock.
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